Harry Pawter

Human Co-therapist: Tara Moser, LCSW, RPT-S, CAAPT-S

“But you know, happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” – Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

My namesake is pretty smart!

I love helping my clients find the light in their life. As the fourth dog in my family to be certified in Animal Assisted Play Therapy™, I’m now the oldest and helping train my Great Dane siblings.

Abbey, Bode, and Lennon taught me so much about life and helping children that I look forward to being the teacher now to Chewbarka and Howly Quinn.

I’m told my name helps connect me with some kids…

…but at home, they often just call me “HP.”

I’m a two-year-old true rescue mix. Tara had my DNA looked at, and I came back as your typical “Great American Golden Fox Hound Retriever Pyrenees,” but like I said, I’m a rescue!

I’m a huge advocate for self-care and hobbies.

I love swimming. I will swim laps 2-3x a day if they let me at home! For me, it’s a great stress reliever. I can swim alone or with the family, and often I find games to play in the pool with my toys or just do some laps. It relaxes me so much!

I love working with kids on their social skills, understanding family separation, and what it’s like to be adopted!

When you’re in the office, don’t forget to collect our trading cards! Mine tells a little more about me.