
Looking for Family Court Mediation Services?

Tara provides mediation for pro se (without legal representation) and those with legal representation privately at our office in Ft Myers and via zoom for families throughout the State of Florida.

Why Mediation?

Mediation for Family Court can be solution focused for parties to work out mutually agreed upon settlements related to their Family Court needs. This gives families the opportunity to voluntarily negotiation and explore options that they can submit then for court approval vs allowing a judge to decide for them.

Is it confidential? 

Yes! Everything discussed to reach your outcome is confidential except where applicable by law. The only public portion is the agreement or lack of agreement to submit to the courts.

What issues may be discussed?

Parenting plans or portions of it, child support, alimony, property division, debt resolution and any other topics needing discussed. 

Mediation can have three results…a full agreement that is future, solution focused and agreed to by all parties on all topics brought up; a temporary or partial agreement for pieces of the topics to be resolved and then come back to later; or mediation may result in no decision made and be handed back to a judge or magistrate. 

For more information on our mediation services, please email